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How to Put Gratitude on Auto-Pilot

September 22, 2014

The feel-good community is full of writings on gratitude: How gratitude changes people’s lives. How keeping a gratitude journal makes all the difference. How counting your blessings helps you sleep. Now, for those of us who ignore the good stuff present, and obsess about what is missing, that is certainly an excellent strategy. Yet, for […]

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How to be Helpful without Drowning in the HSP Helper’s Trap

January 22, 2013

Wanting to help others, seeking harmony, being committed to creating peace… these are prime driving forces for many HSPs. Yet, what is the best way to go about working with these driving forces? What specifically do you think of, when you think of helping others? Do you think of taking over and doing things for […]

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Is letting Go Hard for you? 4 Toxic Assumptions That May Be In Your Way, Exposed.

January 7, 2013

To let something go we have to fully own it first. It’s very tempting to skip this step. We tend to prefer to let things go a.s.a.p. so that we have to deal with it as little as possible. It’s slimy and we just want to throw it back into the pond, that kind of […]

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How to Create Inspiring New Year’s Resolutions

December 31, 2012

For those of us allergic to rules and restrictions (me! me!), New Year’s Resolutions are one of those “whatever” phenomena. Too often, they are about convincing ourselves that we will finally do what we think we must do, and know we are not really interested in. It actually pays to look deeper. When your New […]

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Early Bloomers and Late Bloomers

July 31, 2011

I used to fret a lot about apparently being a late bloomer, about not having found my calling. I think I get it now. It’s not about us late bloomers you see. There is nothing wrong with us. I studied those early bloomers a little. And often they started working on their ‘thing’ really early […]

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It’s Doodle Day! Sensitivity and the Art of Mindful Processing

November 24, 2012

I recently came across a little printed folder advertising doodle workshops. Doodling was advertised as being “a way to be more relaxed and more present”. In effect it was described as “creative yoga for the brain”. You know, flexing those firing neurons and breathing deeply into the cortex. Hmmm. Last time I checked, doodling was […]

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Rewriting the Narcissus Narcissism Myth

March 20, 2013

The narcissus myth is deceiving when it comes to understanding narcissism. The myth seems to suggest that Narcissus fell in love with an accurate reflection of who he is. After all, water doesn’t lie right? When you stare into a pool of water to admire yourself, you do see your own features reflected back to […]

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Why Healing Yourself Takes Time

April 16, 2013

Healing yourself is a layered undertaking. I’ve had clients ask me: why can’t we just identify the root issue (and have the whole thing over with) ? It seems like a logical request. If you know that underneath all the rubble, there is just one (or perhaps a few) core issues that are generating all […]

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Are You the Sensitive Friend or the Sensitive Therapist? 8 Tips for Clarity on HSP Relationships

April 23, 2012

As sensitive people, we tend to be pretty good at intuiting what others need and what is bothering them. This makes us the ideal person to turn to when things are tough and/or confusing. Since we often enjoy having deep conversations (and might even be relieved that we don’t have to wade through an onslaught […]

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The Missing Piece on Healing from Narcissists

June 28, 2018

There are a lot of helpful books and programmes out there on understanding narcissists. You can spend years in therapy talking about them and wondering why they did what they did and how they impacted you. But the missing piece is this: how does all this relate to you? At first, it’s helpful to focus […]

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Much Ado about Mindfulness

July 31, 2011

There is a big hype surrounding mindfulness. People are taking classes, reading and writing books, and proclaiming themselves to be experts. But really, mindfulness is just practicing awareness. Practicing awareness is something we do all the time. We need to be aware of where our feet are in order to put on our shoes. We […]

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How Being Present Requires Keeping it Simple (and letting go of the mental extras)

April 30, 2013

Many years ago in a land far, far away (for some of you reading this post that is) I bought a book that enchanted me, and that soothed me, and that, most of the time, I didn’t understand at all. It was called “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” by Shunryu Suzuki.   Shunryu often spoke of […]

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Creating Space for Change (1)

December 27, 2011

Change starts with space. And awareness allows us to start changing anything that isn’t working for us. (It’s not the end-all be-all though!)   Here is the basic formula: Space => awareness of your own problems => new insights => potential for change Right off the bat you’ll also notice that creating space first leads […]

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Creating Space for Change (2): Winterwalk

December 29, 2011

It all starts with space. And awareness allows us to take steps to change anything that isn’t working for us. Wherever we go, we take our (busy) mind with us. So, unless we are already pretty relaxed, doing nothing or doing something very mellow can actually feel more ‘busy’ and stressful than not taking a […]

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1 Essential HSP Way to Reframe How We Relate to Emotions

February 10, 2013

As Highly Sensitive People we can get very emotional. We just feel a lot, we notice a lot. There is nothing wrong with that. However, you’ll find that, depending on how you relate to those emotions, you may get very overwhelmed and distracted by them and lose your footing, unnecessarily. This video is on how […]

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3 Essential HSP Shifts for Clarity and Strength

January 11, 2013

There are some common myths out there on how we can gain clarity and strength as Highly Sensitive People.     Myth 1: To grow, we need more spiritual growth (and less of the material and physical world) Truth 1: It’s the other way around!   Myth 2: We have to help others by suffering along with […]

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Why Too Much Healing Overwhelms Your Highly Sensitive Nervous System

January 31, 2017

This is what people don’t tell you about healing: it’s stressful. If it’s not, no good change is happening. Why? Because change itself is stressful.   In our mind, we like to think that surely, good change is all good, right? It doesn’t hurt does it? It just makes things better, right? Yet, good change […]

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Workouts for Low-Energy / CFS

January 31, 2014

Speaking from experience here: the idea of working out changes completely when you are dealing with chronic illness or other forms of low-energy (or breathing problems). Suddenly standard cardio is very quickly too much. Yet the less you work out, the harder doing a work out will get. If this is a very temporary issue, […]

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How Not Feeling Good Enough Depletes Your Adrenals

January 8, 2014

There’s enough evidence that what we think affects both how we feel and also what we choose to do. Yet, underneath what we know we think, there’s a whole underwater iceberg of things that we are also thinking. And not just thinking, emotions are equally important. While you may feel you have a pretty healthy […]

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The Repressed Past is the Future Waiting to Happen

November 23, 2013

Our body lives in the present, always. It seeks to experience what is there, whether that is “outside” of us or “inside”. Everything and anything that we once experienced and locked away because it was too scary or too much to deal with, will get added to the list of “things to experience”. And, it […]

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