You may have been told that you are too sensitive, too emotional and too weird overal.

  • How do you know what you know?
  • How come you seem to understand other people so well?
  • Why do you get stressed out by things other people seem to be fine with?

You care and tend to take other people’s problems home with you. You just can’t shake it until it’s resolved!

You know you’re good at helping others, but who is there to help you when the world feels too much?

  • When someone is hurting, you feel it deeply.
  • When someone needs to vent, you’re there to listen.
  • When you see things going wrong, you feel responsible for fixing it, even if nobody listens to you.

You know you can’t do it all, you understand that everyone needs to do their own “homework” but how do you go from “knowing” that, to actually feeling and living that way?

It’s confusing and exhausting and it feels like you just don’t have the breathing space you need…

👋 Hi, I’m Caroline. I am a university teacher turned coach.

I am Highly Sensitive and an Empath but in my previous life I didn’t know any of that.

I burned out in my teaching job back in 2009 and went through a painful yet meaningful Dark Night of the Soul. 

For years, I struggled to figure out what on earth was going on with me. I was too overwhelmed and exhausted to work. My body was hurting, people’s painful stories left me reeling and I felt the world like it was screaming on my doorstep.

It was a lonely and confusing journey. Yet through it all, I also learned to decipher and trust my intuition. I ended up creating unique healing tools and self-care systems, because what was already out there wasn’t helping me.

Now I teach sensitive, empathic women how to stop taking on everyone’s pain and problems, so you can break the overwhelm cycle, enjoy your life again, and do what you’re truly here to do.

Caring doesn’t mean Carrying!

Supporting other people is fine! Caring about people is good! But carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders is not. You’re just one person. This may sound odd but… you can do more good when you feel good.

When you’re super aware of what everyone else needs, it’s easy to lose sight of your own needs (or become convinced that you don’t have any needs!). This makes you vulnerable to getting used by other people and along the way, it’s easy to lose sight of why you’re really here: what you’re really put on this earth to do.

Spoiler alert: you are not here to be a suffering sponge, carry everyone over the finish line, or put yourself last!

What you need is a way to get clear from the inside out: What is yours to do and what not? How do you maintain a clear, peaceful inner space regardless of what’s happening around you? How do you honor your natural boundaries (instead of taking on more than your fair share)?

Caring about people doesn’t mean carrying them! I truly believe the world is a happier place with more Happy Sensitives in it.

Will you join me?

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Burning Out versus Burning Through

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The Difference Between Fear and Anxiety + why this matters for HSPs

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A Perspective Shift for when you Worry you’re “Too Sensitive” and “just need to Toughen Up”

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7 kinds of Energy Ick that can drive you nuts when you’re Highly Sensitive and Intuitive

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4 Simple Disciplines that Make Your Life Better

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Why Protecting Yourself with Better Boundaries Against Abuse Can Feel (really) Scary

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Do This First to Heal Childhood Trauma

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Empaths in Relationships – 5 Hidden Struggles

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What did you do wrong? Blame versus Criticism

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Why Do Narcissists Hate Grief So Much?

April 25, 2022

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