7 Essential Stress Rules for HSP’s

October 27, 2013

Simply put, stress happens when something is “too much”. When is something too much? It depends. Too much for a 1 liter container is less than too much for a 5 liter container. As HSP’s, our inner containers tend to fill up more quickly. This is because we sense the world around us (and inside […]

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Are You Super Sensitive to How Other People Perceive You?

October 16, 2013

Most of us were raised to care about how we’re perceived by others. To some extent, this is normal and healthy! Yet, when you become super sensitive to how other people perceive you, this can really hold you back! This landed in my inbox the other day: “I have a question for you. Do you […]

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15 Tips for HSPs on Finding Support

October 16, 2013

Many HSPs I talk to have reached out for support at some point. Too often, the help they got just made them feel worse and completely misunderstood. Below are some of my own guidelines/ questions to ponder for getting good support. In this post, I refer to someone who can help you as a “mentor”. A […]

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Sensipreneur Series [no.2]: Art, Life and Inner Wisdom

October 7, 2013

In the Sensipreneur Series I interview HSP’s who have made sensitivity a big part of their own business. This (e-mail) interview is with Artist and ‘art Life Coach’ Marie Mikkonen from crealife.fi and colorisaction.com   A quick intro to Marie’s business: Marie is an artist & life coach who -on the one hand- makes art […]

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HSP & Helpful: 7 Ways Toxic People Convince You to do more for them than you really want to

September 12, 2013

  This post is all about buttons, hidden triggers. Toxic people especially are very good at finding those in others. They find them in order to use them, to manipulate you. Recognizing the buttons doesn’t stop the triggering from happening. Yet, it does help you pull out of a bad situation in time.     1. […]

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Being Empathic versus Being an Empath: Crucial Differences

August 19, 2013

This article is about the seemingly negligible distinctions between being empathic and being an empath. Seemingly negligible because the practical distinctions are huge! If you know you’re Highly Sensitive, you might have been wondering: “am I an empath?”. Well, this article will help you understand the differences.As an HSP, you’ll likely identify with being empathic. […]

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Empath Heartbreak

June 21, 2013

Empaths are the sensitives among the sensitives. Feeling other’s emotions so intensely that they assume these feelings are their own, empaths tend to struggle more with overwhelm than other HSP’s. Empath heartbreak plays a big role in this. To heal, the brokenness needs to be faced.  I can’t speak for all empaths, but I have […]

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Beyond Forgiveness – because forgiveness doesn’t necessarily help HSPs

June 20, 2013

Forgiveness is a tricky business, not least of all because it’s often used/promoted as a “quick-fix” or as a way to avoid dealing with the raw emotions of a situation (“just forgive and move on!”). As HSPs, we are often already extremely gifted at seeing the situation through the other person’s eyes, so much so, […]

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The Disempowerment of Blame: how wanting other people to change blocks your own healing

May 25, 2013

There is a big difference between saying: “Person X did something that really hurt me” versus “Because of what person x did, I will never be able to move forward in my life” It’s the difference between saying: “I’m hurt and need to heal” versus, “I might as well give up”. Blame is a popular strategy. It has […]

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The Key-and-lock of HSP-co-dependency and Narcissism

May 15, 2013

It’s a theme. Caring, committed person taking care of grumpy cold partner. Perhaps people on the outside see it, perhaps they don’t. At the point of heartbreak, relationship break-up and a gleam of returning sanity, the scenario often plays out something like this: Co-dependent HSP: my partner is really a good person at heart. Things […]

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HSP / Empath Mythology & Suffering – do your inner stories support you?

May 11, 2013

The stories we tell ourselves about the big WHY of being a sensitive person in a not so sensitive world…those stories really matter, they can make or break us. More on that in the video. If you’d like to get more help with this topic, be sure to check out the empath course. In it, […]

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An HSP Note on Impossible Dreams versus Realistic Desires: how (not) to have it all

May 6, 2013

This is for all the HSP big dreamers out there. There are times when a fact-check will kill your dreaming and should be avoided. Other times, a fact-check will save you the heartache of trying to contradict life itself and then be angry because you think you’re “failing”.   There is a tile in my […]

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How Being Present Requires Keeping it Simple (and letting go of the mental extras)

April 30, 2013

Many years ago in a land far, far away (for some of you reading this post that is) I bought a book that enchanted me, and that soothed me, and that, most of the time, I didn’t understand at all. It was called “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” by Shunryu Suzuki.   Shunryu often spoke of […]

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (adrenal fatigue): where has the energy gone?

April 26, 2013

Many HSP’s struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndome / Adrenal Fatigue. Is there a rhyme and reason to this strange illness, and if so, what could it be? In this video I address a model of how the clashing of authenticity and conditioning can create a situation of “having the brakes on”.    

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HSP’s & Healing: Is Busting Through Inner Blocks Necessary?

April 26, 2013

Do we need a lot of pushing and prodding to heal, achieve goals and move forward? Does it work? Is it helpful? What about an alternative? I’ve been pondering this topic this week: I think a gentler, more HSP-friendly alternative is often overlooked. More on that in the video.  

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Why Healing Yourself Takes Time

April 16, 2013

Healing yourself is a layered undertaking. I’ve had clients ask me: why can’t we just identify the root issue (and have the whole thing over with) ? It seems like a logical request. If you know that underneath all the rubble, there is just one (or perhaps a few) core issues that are generating all […]

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Empath S.O.S. – what to do when the emotions of others are weighing you down in the workplace

March 30, 2013

When you’re empathic to the point of sponging other people’s emotional energy (and you take it all home with you) life can get pretty overwhelming… especially when you’re working in an emotionally intense environment. I’ve been getting a lot of questions and “cries for help” on this topic recently. What to do? More on that […]

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HSPs: How to Say No to Narcissists once and for all

March 30, 2013

One of the articles here on thehappysensitive.com on narcissism is getting a lot of comments. Some people are in the “intellectual phase” of trying to figure out what narcissism is, others are in the “emotional phase” of coming to terms with the impact of narcissistic abuse. This video discusses these phases, including the final phase […]

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Rewriting the Narcissus Narcissism Myth

March 20, 2013

The narcissus myth is deceiving when it comes to understanding narcissism. The myth seems to suggest that Narcissus fell in love with an accurate reflection of who he is. After all, water doesn’t lie right? When you stare into a pool of water to admire yourself, you do see your own features reflected back to […]

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Sensitivity, Baskin Robins and 31+ Emotions

March 17, 2013

For us HSP’s our emotions are a big and important force. To align with that force, we need to truly align with our emotions – all of them. This requires acceptance, understanding and intelligence. More on that in this video.    

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