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Fight, Flight and Go to Heaven Stress Response

November 10, 2015

We all know about fight or flight, and even freeze response. Yet, especially for Highly Sensitive People, I think there is another stress response we need to take into account. (Well, two actually, but this post will discuss one of them) …click the image to play the video below… Let’s start right in the middle […]

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How to Work With Your Fears in a Friendly Way

August 3, 2011

Being HSP comes with an instruction manual of sorts (or rather, if only!). Since we have super sensitive nervous systems we are perfectly equipped to spot trends and developments early and interprete subtle cues. However, it is precisely this strength that makes us prone to all kinds of anxieties and fears. Noticing differences in our […]

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Are Negative Emotions Bad for Your Health?

October 22, 2019

A little while back, I received this comment over email: “I keep being told that  negative emotions put stress on the body and the cells.  That I need to think positive or I won’t heal!  Then I get scared and add another emotion.” Sigh, I wish people would stop saying that. Especially people who consider […]

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Constant HSP Overwhelm? 7 Questions to Ask to Get Clarity

March 8, 2015

Overwhelm is pretty much THE most common HSP complaint, and it’s also the fuzziest one. Below are 7 questions to help you pinpoint what is going on, so that getting help or simply addressing the overwhelm on your own is easier.   Question 1: What does overwhelm mean? Does it mean that you cry every […]

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Three Big Problems with Ungrounded Spirituality

May 2, 2019

Ungrounded spirituality is sadly very common. A lot of people, when they think of spirituality, new age topics, energy healing and such, their first association is “oh no, all that airy-fairy stuff!”. And unfortunately, for the most part, they are correct. This is not because spiritual, psychic and energy healing topics are in and of […]

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Sensitivity Minus Empathy is Narcissism

May 27, 2018

I hear from a lot of HSPs who write in to ask if their sensitive parent / friend / partner who is clearly really sensitive but who gets offended easily, is not open to other people’s point of view and demonstrates little to no empathy, is just a Highly Sensitive Person but doesn’t know it? […]

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Why Awareness Won’t Solve Your Overwhelm Problems

January 17, 2019

I hear a lot of people talk about awareness. Awareness is a good thing. But what exactly does it mean to “be aware”? Being aware can be as basic as “I know this thing is happening, I am aware!”. It can even go as far as “I know when this thing is happening! I am […]

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Essential Boundaries for HSPs and Empaths: Keeping Track of Your Own Well-Being

December 13, 2011

  For both Highly Sensitive People and Empaths, one of the most difficult things to do is to say NO to people who need help or plain want our attention. And so, for a while, we don’t say no. That is, until we start to notice how negatively that is affecting us.     By […]

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Which Kind of Sensitive are You?

December 7, 2012

The term “Highly Sensitive Person” or “HSP” tends to be confusing to people who are unfamiliar with the concept. Usually when people hear about someone being very sensitive, they will associate that with having to walk on eggshells around them. This kind of sensitivity (to criticism, to not getting one’s own way, of expecting others […]

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The Role of Narcissistic Projection in Self-Doubt and Relationship Drama

February 12, 2014

Someone with narcissistic personality disorder, or a significant amount of narcissistic traits, doesn’t see you for who you are. In fact, they don’t see you at all. For practical purposes, you’re more like a projection screen. Yet, since this is -for many of us- such a foreign concept to wrap our heads around, we tend […]

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How to Create a HSP-Friendly Workout Routine

July 31, 2011

This is one of my stories about my exercise routines. My exercise routines are something I regularly change and update! So, as you are reading this, I may or may not be doing what I outline in the article below. But, that’s not the point. The point is to find what works for you. Maybe […]

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10 Smart Ways to Make Organic Food Affordable

November 29, 2011

I eat mostly organic food. As a sensitive person, I notice the difference. I feel better when I eat food that has been given time to grow and NOT been sprayed with crap. It also makes a lot more sense, intellectually, sustainably, how-things-workably. I’ve often been asked: “Isn’t that (VERY) expensive???”. It depends. Basically, my […]

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HSPs and Needs: Dreaming our Own Lives into Being

December 28, 2012

We often feel like the world we dream of is just not there. For many of us, these inner beliefs have become fortified by early life experiences. Trauma like that can disconnect us from a sense of our own needs. This is important for us HSPs to know. When people ask you what you want, […]

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Inviting the New

January 25, 2012

Do you wish that in some ways your life would be different? If so, you might have hears this before: “To create positive change we need to choose the unfamiliar.” “We need to choose the new to have the new.” Yep, sure, but how?? Let’s zoom in on that.   How to create an opening […]

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Destruction in the name of Love: dreams and the beauty of things falling apart

August 20, 2011

A lot of spiritual teachings focus on increasing our ability to love. Love is the stabilizing, nurturing and creative force, we all want more of that! We want more love, more more and more of more and more. In short, we want more. As sensitives, we should know better though. More of more leads to […]

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HSP solutions for too much work & too little time

December 7, 2013

In the workplace, this means that we naturally tend to take in and do everything with more attention to detail. As a result, we tend to deliver higher quality work… and we also run out of time more easily. (For an article on running out of time in your private life, see here) Workplaces in […]

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Left-Handed Perspectives on Being HSP: 8 tips for you and your sensitive body

July 31, 2011

If you are left-handed, you will have experienced first hand how many things in this world are not “made for you”. If you are HSP, you will also experience how many things in this world are not “made for you.” The similarity? Both are a matter of how you are “physically designed”. When I was […]

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Why Soothing our Senses and Quieting our Mind is Essential for HSPs: 8 Tips to Prevent System Crash

January 8, 2012

As Highly Sensitive People (and this applies to Empaths too) we are continually processing a lot of sensory information. We notice more, see more, hear more, feel more etc. etc. etc. When this gift goes wild, it can really drive us quite mad. If we don’t, information overload can lead to feelings of fear, anxiety […]

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3 Steps You Need to Take to Let Go

March 24, 2020

I received this question – on steps to take to let go –  from a reader the other day: I don’t know what to tell myself to help me with letting go. My teacher and I became friends and got creative over fun projects and she fed my sad, criticism-destroyed ego with encouragement and support […]

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Stressed Out? Quick Fixes Can Block Real Relief

March 11, 2020

Being stressed out is not a new problem. Neither is the search for quick fixes! Back in the day – maybe they’re still doing this, who knows – there was a wave of “mindfulness at work” mania. I call it mania because there seemed to be something fundamentally exploitative about it, as in: “dear employees, […]

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