Don’t kick a dead horse! Yet as HSP’s we may have more dead horses in our life than we realize, and get exhausted from trying to kick them all back to life. More on that in the video.
Many HSPs have (latent) spiritual gifts. These are not something to be afraid of. I have noticed however that many HSPs who know that their spiritual gifts have closed down, make opening up these abilities again into something of a quest in and of itself. Here’s the most important thing to keep in mind: if […]
As a Highly Sensitive Person, you can get into a really sticky mode of overwhelm. When we’re stuck in a negative environment, and are chronically overwhelmed, we often turn to habits that further disempower us in an attempt to manage stress on a day to day basis. When you try really hard to make things […]
Let’s play devil’s advocate here for a bit. Admittedly, that can be hard (and let’s be grateful that it IS hard to understand those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Yet, for us HSPs, it’s essential to stop assuming that narcissists are “just like us”. It’s essential to stop assuming that we want the same things or that […]
Yet, setting boundaries and NOT taking too much responsibility are essential especially for us sensitive folk! This was originally a “true video”. Yet due to multiple tech issues I had to convert it to pretty much an audio instead. There were numerous moments of saying no and letting go in getting this online! Next one […]
I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about being HSP and being or feeling rejected, either in a romantic relationship or in general. This video addresses that. In the first half of the video I discuss two main things to consider when dealing with rejection. In the second half, I clarify how as an […]
“If I let my advisors tell me what to say, I’d be quoting Shakespeare and the Nasdaq all in one sentence!” ~Jennifer Styperk In the Sensipreneur Series I interview HSPs who have made sensitivity a big part of their own business. This (e-mail) interview from early 2013* is with poet and CEO Jennifer Styperk from […]
As Highly Sensitive People we can get very emotional. We just feel a lot, we notice a lot. There is nothing wrong with that. However, you’ll find that, depending on how you relate to those emotions, you may get very overwhelmed and distracted by them and lose your footing, unnecessarily. This video is on how […]
El artículo original está en inglés, traducción por Anetta Gonçalves ¿Cuántas veces la gente te ha dicho que superes algo?. Es molesto ¿no?. Dejar algo atrás no es tan sencillo. A continuación tienes 8 razones por las que superar algo puede ser especialmente complicado para un PAS. 1. La sensación de que “las cosas no […]
Wanting to help others, seeking harmony, being committed to creating peace… these are prime driving forces for many HSPs. Yet, what is the best way to go about working with these driving forces? What specifically do you think of, when you think of helping others? Do you think of taking over and doing things for […]
There are some common myths out there on how we can gain clarity and strength as Highly Sensitive People. Myth 1: To grow, we need more spiritual growth (and less of the material and physical world) Truth 1: It’s the other way around! Myth 2: We have to help others by suffering along with […]
We are different, often misunderstood and as long we haven’t learned how to truly care for ourselves, we often experience life as getting in our way somehow, no matter how hard we try. As a result, we may be dealing with several kinds of “endless struggles”. Things we’ve tried to conquer for years and somehow […]
How often have people told you to just let go? It’s annoying right? Letting go isn’t all that straightforward. Here’s 8 reasons why letting go can be especially tricky for us HSPs. 1. A sense of “things shouldn’t be this way”. You’re right that they shouldn’t. Yet, is your sense of indignation keeping you from […]
To let something go we have to fully own it first. It’s very tempting to skip this step. We tend to prefer to let things go a.s.a.p. so that we have to deal with it as little as possible. It’s slimy and we just want to throw it back into the pond, that kind of […]
For those of us allergic to rules and restrictions (me! me!), New Year’s Resolutions are one of those “whatever” phenomena. Too often, they are about convincing ourselves that we will finally do what we think we must do, and know we are not really interested in. It actually pays to look deeper. When your New […]
We often feel like the world we dream of is just not there. For many of us, these inner beliefs have become fortified by early life experiences. Trauma like that can disconnect us from a sense of our own needs. This is important for us HSPs to know. When people ask you what you want, […]
I urge you to question the assumption that thoughts cause emotions (and that that’s all there is to it). That if you change your thinking that you’ll feel different. I know it’s the status quo wisdom out there. I also know it’s B.S. as a “final truth” philosophy. Here’s the scoop. Our thoughts may be […]
The term “Highly Sensitive Person” or “HSP” tends to be confusing to people who are unfamiliar with the concept. Usually when people hear about someone being very sensitive, they will associate that with having to walk on eggshells around them. This kind of sensitivity (to criticism, to not getting one’s own way, of expecting others […]
Too often, I get e-mails from HSPs who are overwhelmed with all the negative news out there. They feel powerless, afraid and unfortunately don’t seem to take the one simple home remedy that makes all the difference: if it upsets you, stop watching. Here’s the what and why. Unfortunately, stress sells. For us HSPs […]
I recently came across a little printed folder advertising doodle workshops. Doodling was advertised as being “a way to be more relaxed and more present”. In effect it was described as “creative yoga for the brain”. You know, flexing those firing neurons and breathing deeply into the cortex. Hmmm. Last time I checked, doodling was […]