The Stress Risk for A-type HSPs

July 15, 2017

When you’re Highly Sensitive you’re more observant. This makes you more perceptive to your environment and what is needed. This can make you more responsible, more creative and give you a strong drive to do good. When you’re an A-type personality, an achiever, chances are that you’re not just Highly Sensitive, you’re also a Sensation […]

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Has Impossible become your HSP Normal?

July 14, 2017

Is “normalising” as in “making the crazy feel normal” a verb? Google leaves me unsure, since normalising seems to be used mostly to describe bringing things back to a common standard. So, I might be flipping a word pancake upside down here. Either way, the word makes just as much sense – if not more […]

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Are You A Highly Sensitive Sensation Seeker?

April 1, 2017

Being Highly Sensitive is often presented as being shy, introverted and easily overwhelmed. Often, high sensitivity is even conflated with introversion. But what if you tick the HSP boxes, but don’t really identify with being an introvert? What if your are both a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and also a sensation seeker? The answer is yes. […]

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It’s time to take a stand on sensitivity, sexuality and religion

March 30, 2017

This huge topic has been on my mind for months now. Some things take longer to verbalise than others. Warning, this is less of an article, and more of a rant! What is interesting is that, when you create something – anything at all – it starts to get a life of its own. People […]

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Why Too Much Healing Overwhelms Your Highly Sensitive Nervous System

January 31, 2017

This is what people don’t tell you about healing: it’s stressful. If it’s not, no good change is happening. Why? Because change itself is stressful.   In our mind, we like to think that surely, good change is all good, right? It doesn’t hurt does it? It just makes things better, right? Yet, good change […]

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Do You Overemphasize Your Imperfections?

January 16, 2017

Are there relatively small things that you do or say or have, that make you super insecure once you start focusing on them? Friends tell you they have no idea what you’re going on about. You’re fine! You don’t do X. You don’t have a monstrous face. Etc. You know they’re right, rationally speaking but […]

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When a Narcissist is in Power: 7 things that happen & 6 things you can do

December 11, 2016

If you grew up with one or two narcissistic parents, then one of the biggest “OMG not again” experiences you can have is to end up in a workplace, social group (or country!) that has a narcissist in charge. You thought you made it out, and now you’re “back there”. You find yourself slipping back into old, […]

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Why Movement is Medicine for Highly Sensitive People (podcast)

March 15, 2016

The world of movement and exercise can be an odd one. “Personal Training” often brings to mind a world of body building, instructors yelling at you to do more push-ups and other “fun stuff” like that, ahem. Yet for us Highly Sensitive People, the right movement can empower us. Exercise not only makes us physically […]

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It’s Time to Learn the Language of your Sensitivity

January 16, 2016

The H in HSP stands for “Highly”. It should stand for Happy (don’t you agree, or at least wish that were true?) You’re not too sensitive. You may be observant of things that others miss. You may be touched by things that don’t touch others. You may be different from people around you, but that […]

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Are you a (highly) sensitive person, an empath, a “feeler”, an intuitive sensitive type?

January 9, 2016

Have you always known there was something “different” about you? Does the world seem to bombard your senses? Have you intuitively known things that others didn’t? Is it all pretty awesome EXCEPT: you’re so worn out, overwhelmed, emotional, stressed and maybe even medicated that you wonder how you fit in? (and how you fit into […]

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Why your Sensitive and Empathic Partner can’t just Let Things Go and Take It Easy

January 9, 2016

You see your partner is stressed, and you want her to take it easy. You want her to let go of the things that are stressing her out. You want her to stop helping the crazy people and the ones who never have enough. Here’s why she can’t: She has an awareness about what is going on around […]

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Fight, Flight and Go to Heaven Stress Response

November 10, 2015

We all know about fight or flight, and even freeze response. Yet, especially for Highly Sensitive People, I think there is another stress response we need to take into account. (Well, two actually, but this post will discuss one of them) …click the image to play the video below… Let’s start right in the middle […]

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How can you be both Sensitive and Empowered as a Woman?

October 6, 2015

What is women empowerment really? Empowerment has a bit of a “big trucks” and “being ripped” and “lots of money” ring to it. When we think of empowerment, our mind tends to go to hugely successful people, the rich and famous, or assholes and narcissists, as well as dare-devil bad-asses. As in: perhaps we need […]

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HSP & Empath Yellow Pages – International

August 4, 2015

A growing online free HSP resource… For services that are: designed for / relevant for HSPs or empaths created by HSPs or empaths, or by someone who has a lot of experience working with sensitive people.           Why this List?   Have you noticed how when there are places online that […]

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HSP Purpose: Finding it Without Stressing About it [podcast]

August 3, 2015

Oh, that magical thing called purpose! It’s all over the internet these days it seems… and, for us Highly Sensitive People, purpose is important, because doing something meaningful matters deeply to us. Yet, it’s also easy to get stressed out about it unnecessarily. Will you find your purpose? Are you on purpose? What is your […]

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6 HSP Perfectionism Myths that Stop You from Living Your Purpose – and what to do about them

June 22, 2015

It’s easy for us to go into fine-tuning mode, because we can sense so many subtleties. At times, when things are subtly unbalanced, out of order, or not quite as good as we know they could be, we can stop ourselves, get frustrated, feel like a failure for not measuring up. Herein lies our strength […]

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Is HSP Perfectionism a Force for Good or an Anxious Enemy?

June 20, 2015

What do you think about when you think about perfectionism? Is it a force for good, or not so much? One of the great perks of perfectionistic thinking is that it’s aimed at creating a better world somehow. However, having a vision of something beautiful can also open up a huge abyss: an abyss between […]

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Empaths in Dating and Relationships [podcast]

March 31, 2015

  Some of the most common empath concerns that I often hear are: The fear of being completely engulfed by the energy of the other person Struggling to set self-care boundaries Losing your own sense of identity How to stop picking partners who mostly need a therapist, not a lover (!) In the hour podcast […]

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Constant HSP Overwhelm? 7 Questions to Ask to Get Clarity

March 8, 2015

Overwhelm is pretty much THE most common HSP complaint, and it’s also the fuzziest one. Below are 7 questions to help you pinpoint what is going on, so that getting help or simply addressing the overwhelm on your own is easier.   Question 1: What does overwhelm mean? Does it mean that you cry every […]

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How Come You Are Giving Plenty But Receiving Little?

March 8, 2015

There is a spiritual adage that says: “give and you will receive”. It’s a popular principle, and often misconstrued. Don’t get me wrong, taking instant gratification out of the picture is a good thing. “Will” implies that good things are coming, it might just take a while. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, […]

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