Squash the Silver Healing Bullet

October 24, 2011

Getting through to our inner despair often requires a silver bullet. A message so extremely smooth, shiny and convincing that it penetrates the walls of doubt, fear and self-sabotage. Of course, after the initial exciting pang, nothing much happens, and we’re back to square one. The Healing “Market” has discovered the use of exaggerated advertising. […]

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Anger (Abstinence?), Boundary Setting and the Spiritual Dilemma of the Good Person

October 11, 2011

I’ve had a real struggle with anger. For the longest time, I couldn’t really be angry. I didn’t know what it felt like to be truly angry. Some people told me this was because I was a vegetarian (at the time). That “eating meat makes you angry”…or something like that. Some people said it was […]

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Worth the Wait: The Happy Sensitive Painter, Braveheart & da Lil’ Voice in Action

September 24, 2011

Sometimes…a work is ALMOST there. And I’m tempted to share it as-is. But this little voice is saying, almost, almost! And the question is, can I sit down and listen? Can I wait for that little-step-that-still-needs-taking to reveal itself? With these two canvases, they were both almost finished. But really, almost! So, in the past […]

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Introducing The Happy Sensitive Painter

September 17, 2011

My last two years have pretty much been a creative dryspell. For a while I wondered, will I ever paint again? And then, one marvellous day, I looked at my paints, picked up my brush, and the old familiar rush was back! Some things have changed though. I’ve learned to no longer take that process […]

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Activate your HSP Leadership Skills: 5 Practical Angles on Leading Group Meetings the Sensitive Way

September 7, 2011

Elaine Aron has identified Sensitives as being the “royal advisors”, the “visionaries” of society. Many Highly Sensitive People identify with the role of the researcher, consultant, and gentle therapist, BUT is there an important sensitive capacity that we are overlooking? Reading Justin Menkes’ “Heightened Sensitivity: Why It’s Such a Critical Leadership Component” I decided it […]

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What’s the Problem? From Global Politics to Local Self-Care

August 28, 2011

It is very easy to get caught up in things that seem to be the source of our problems but aren’t really. You know how, when we feel upset, we suddenly notice all kinds of things around us that “suit” that upset perfectly? That is, we’ll suddenly see how much there is to get worked […]

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Destruction in the name of Love: dreams and the beauty of things falling apart

August 20, 2011

A lot of spiritual teachings focus on increasing our ability to love. Love is the stabilizing, nurturing and creative force, we all want more of that! We want more love, more more and more of more and more. In short, we want more. As sensitives, we should know better though. More of more leads to […]

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When Listening becomes Listless: Troubleshooting The Empathic Ear

August 8, 2011

Do you get exhausted sometimes, listening to other people? As sensitives, we tend to be good listeners. We find it easy to tune in to others, notice subtle cues and give our undivided attention to what someone is saying. Thich Nath Hanh once said that if only more people would truly listen to others, there […]

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How to Work With Your Fears in a Friendly Way

August 3, 2011

Being HSP comes with an instruction manual of sorts (or rather, if only!). Since we have super sensitive nervous systems we are perfectly equipped to spot trends and developments early and interprete subtle cues. However, it is precisely this strength that makes us prone to all kinds of anxieties and fears. Noticing differences in our […]

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Staying in the I of the Storm

August 2, 2011

When things get frantic, we often respond with more activity. Instead, try to stay in the eye of the storm. In the middle of any chaotic energy there is a place of stillness and peace. That place should be you. When we can tap into our ability to stay in the ‘I of the storm’ […]

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The Mediator, The Scapegoat, the Blamer and the Lost.

August 2, 2011

As sensitives, other people love having us as mediators. We tend to easily see the many sides of an issue, we sympathize with people taking different positions, and we end up being stuck in the middle. At best, we’re merely pressured to choose a side, at worst we can end up the scapegoat. I’ve come […]

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Unveiling, Coping and Laughing at the Undercover Narcissist: The Tale of T, King Arthur and The Narcissist

August 1, 2011

A modern funky account of disappointment, deceit and a curious twist of plot   In 2010 I was in a support group for adrenal fatigue. We shared stories and the “therapist” (who had no personal experience with adrenal fatigue, at all) guided us as he saw fit. Most people, including me were there to prove […]

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Stressaholics Anonymous

July 31, 2011

I used to think I had no addictions. I didn’t drink, I didn’t smoke, didn’t do drugs, didn’t crave “a career”, didn’t do gameing…It all seemed pretty healthy, but alas, I suffered from one of the fiercest and most taboo addictions there are: Stress. Stress was the exhilarating fuel that pumped through my body 24/7. […]

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How to Create a HSP-Friendly Workout Routine

July 31, 2011

This is one of my stories about my exercise routines. My exercise routines are something I regularly change and update! So, as you are reading this, I may or may not be doing what I outline in the article below. But, that’s not the point. The point is to find what works for you. Maybe […]

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Left-Handed Perspectives on Being HSP: 8 tips for you and your sensitive body

July 31, 2011

If you are left-handed, you will have experienced first hand how many things in this world are not “made for you”. If you are HSP, you will also experience how many things in this world are not “made for you.” The similarity? Both are a matter of how you are “physically designed”. When I was […]

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Healthy Performance: pulling the plug on overachieving

July 31, 2011

I used to be a gotta-do-things-right-or-not-at-all person. And I always worked hard and did well. Then I became ill and where before I could read and analyze difficult academic texts for hours, now (read: 2009) my head started spinning after 1/2 hour of light reading of any kind. So, I needed to tweak my performance […]

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Much Ado about Mindfulness

July 31, 2011

There is a big hype surrounding mindfulness. People are taking classes, reading and writing books, and proclaiming themselves to be experts. But really, mindfulness is just practicing awareness. Practicing awareness is something we do all the time. We need to be aware of where our feet are in order to put on our shoes. We […]

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Thinking Backwards versus Moving Forward

July 31, 2011

I’m not sure why, but I notice that I, and I think most of us, tend to think backwards. When something happens in our lives, we tend to go back in time to figure out why this event took place. “Was it something I said to Mary?” “Was it because I should’ve gone to a […]

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The Alternative Empath goes Clairsentient

July 31, 2011

I’ve read a lot of empath-advice on shielding and closing yourself off from the world. But that way, you further entrench the deeper trauma that “the world is not a safe place” instead of “a loving place”. That way you are encouraged to lock yourself into your own pain. Worse, when you “harden” yourself on […]

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Early Bloomers and Late Bloomers

July 31, 2011

I used to fret a lot about apparently being a late bloomer, about not having found my calling. I think I get it now. It’s not about us late bloomers you see. There is nothing wrong with us. I studied those early bloomers a little. And often they started working on their ‘thing’ really early […]

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