Caroline van Kimmenade

Why Narcissists Get Stuck in a Negative Rut – and what you need to know to not get sucked down with them

October 20, 2018

This is for all the HSPs and empaths out there who see the sensitivity in a narcissist and relate a little too much. Especially when this person is the covert-narcissist victim type, there’s a lot of resentment, blame and superiority going on underneath the surface, but it won’t be apparent at first. Rather, covert-narcissists love […]

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When Trying to Make Things Work is Making You Feel Hopeless

October 11, 2018

For the creative world-makers it’s hard to hear that this is the way it is and always will be! In fact, chances are, you reject a rigid statement like that. Nothing, absolutely nothing needs to stay the way it is, and it shouldn’t! I applaud your creativity. I understand it. I have it. And I’ve […]

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Why You Endlessly Doubt Your Intuition

July 29, 2018

When something happens a lot, with a lot of people I talk to in a row, I know it’s something I need to write about. Recently, I’ve had a lot of conversations with HSPs who doubt their intuition. Nothing wrong with doubting! After all, there is such a thing as being too sure (and full of) […]

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The Missing Piece on Healing from Narcissists

June 28, 2018

There are a lot of helpful books and programmes out there on understanding narcissists. You can spend years in therapy talking about them and wondering why they did what they did and how they impacted you. But the missing piece is this: how does all this relate to you? At first, it’s helpful to focus […]

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Reader Question: Am I the Crazy One?

June 20, 2018

A reader wrote in with the following question: Am I the crazy one? I have been in a relationship with someone that may be a narcissist but I am confused. I was always someone that went out of my way to help people. I wanted it to be my mission and have made it so […]

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Self-Esteem is a Strategy, Not a Thing

May 27, 2018

Self-esteem gets thrown around a lot as if it’s an elusive “thing” that you either do or do not have much of. “Oh, you have low self-esteem” is used a lot as an explanation. When you have low-self esteem you put up with all kinds of abuse, right? But what exactly is self-esteem and why […]

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Sensitivity Minus Empathy is Narcissism

May 27, 2018

I hear from a lot of HSPs who write in to ask if their sensitive parent / friend / partner who is clearly really sensitive but who gets offended easily, is not open to other people’s point of view and demonstrates little to no empathy, is just a Highly Sensitive Person but doesn’t know it? […]

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Creativity and Stress Management Go Hand in Hand

May 27, 2018

When do you do your best work? Is it when you’re worn down and exhausted? Is it when you’re in fight or flight? Is it when you’re on an adrenaline high? Is it when you’re juggling so many different tasks and projects and responsibilities that you don’t know what is up anymore? Is it when […]

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You Don’t Have to Jump Off Cliffs or Build Your Wings on the Way Down

April 16, 2018

In the popular metaphor, nobody -ever- talks about what happens if you jump off a cliff, break your back get absolutely terrified of jumping and never ever do it again. In the spirit of making progress on truly life changing topics, how is getting injured and massively discouraged ever a good thing? So I believe […]

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Sensitivity is Not a Sign that You’re Wrong

April 10, 2018

Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is quite the specialised topic. It’s a rather new concept and in many countries, it’s not really taken seriously, unfortunately. What this means is that there are HSPs worried about having phobias or anxiety disorders, when in actuality, they are overstimulated. They don’t realise there is something that they […]

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3 Common Approaches to Dealing with Narcissists – that keep you stuck

April 9, 2018

Dealing with narcissistic people is tough! Yet, without the right core strategy, it’s even tougher. So much so, that many people end up feeling like there’s no effective way to deal with narcissists and be rid of them at all. Here are 3 common approaches that are easy to get stuck in:     1. […]

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What does Being Empathic Really Mean?

February 22, 2018

Google says it’s: showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another. “an attentive, empathic listener”. Makes sense, right? So then, what being empathic really means is understanding and sharing other people’s feelings. It sounds logical, yet when you look more closely, the processes that underpin empathic listening can be very diverse. So, let’s take […]

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What if you’re in Love with an Empath?

February 19, 2018

On a recent Clarity Call, this question came up. Thinking about it after the call, I realised I have a lot more to say on this, so here goes. Situational sketch: you’re in love with an empath, but nothing is actually happening. You’ve known this man (or woman) for months now, you see each other […]

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6 Reasons You Lose Yourself in Relationships

February 19, 2018

Losing yourself in relationships is no fun. It can start out as a fantastic whirlwind of mutual connection, but over time it turns into sacrificing yourself for the “good” of the relationship. In short, you can’t have a functional, healthy lasting relationship unless you are able to maintain a strong sense of inner independence. If […]

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Where are all the Programmes for Empaths?

November 23, 2017

Empaths who visit my site sometimes wonder: “Wait, where are all the programmes for empaths? Why is there only 1 programme for empaths specifically? Surely, there must be a whole host of specialised services for empaths, right? If it’s not built for empaths, then what use would it be for me?” This points to a […]

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Energy Sensitivity is not the Same as Empathy

November 22, 2017

Curious fact, you’d think that if someone is very sensitive to the energy of others that they are also very empathic and good at putting themselves into someone else’s shoes. Yet, some people are very sensitive to energy but at the same time quite clueless about their impact on others, or the needs of others. […]

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Sensipreneur Interview [no. 6]: Career Transition and Creativity for HSP Lawyers

September 28, 2017

In the Sensipreneur Series I interview HSPs who have made sensitivity a big part of their own business.   This Sensipreneur interview is with Jennifer Alvey, a professional coach focusing on career transition, work/life balance and writing coaching for lawyers.  You can find her at 1. How and when did you first realize you are […]

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How Overstimulation burns out HSP Adventurers

September 4, 2017

Overstimulation is a problem for all HSPs. However, it’s particularly tricky for Highly Sensitive Sensation Seekers. Why? Because when you’re overstimulated, you feel bad. Sitting with your feelings of panic, depression, frustration, grief or anything else will probably be the last thing you want to do. What better to take your mind off things than […]

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The Stress Risk for A-type HSPs

July 15, 2017

When you’re Highly Sensitive you’re more observant. This makes you more perceptive to your environment and what is needed. This can make you more responsible, more creative and give you a strong drive to do good. When you’re an A-type personality, an achiever, chances are that you’re not just Highly Sensitive, you’re also a Sensation […]

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Has Impossible become your HSP Normal?

July 14, 2017

Is “normalising” as in “making the crazy feel normal” a verb? Google leaves me unsure, since normalising seems to be used mostly to describe bringing things back to a common standard. So, I might be flipping a word pancake upside down here. Either way, the word makes just as much sense – if not more […]

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