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When a Narcissist is in Power: 7 things that happen & 6 things you can do

December 11, 2016

If you grew up with one or two narcissistic parents, then one of the biggest “OMG not again” experiences you can have is to end up in a workplace, social group (or country!) that has a narcissist in charge. You thought you made it out, and now you’re “back there”. You find yourself slipping back into old, […]

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You Don’t Have to Jump Off Cliffs or Build Your Wings on the Way Down

April 16, 2018

In the popular metaphor, nobody -ever- talks about what happens if you jump off a cliff, break your back get absolutely terrified of jumping and never ever do it again. In the spirit of making progress on truly life changing topics, how is getting injured and massively discouraged ever a good thing? So I believe […]

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An HSP Note on Impossible Dreams versus Realistic Desires: how (not) to have it all

May 6, 2013

This is for all the HSP big dreamers out there. There are times when a fact-check will kill your dreaming and should be avoided. Other times, a fact-check will save you the heartache of trying to contradict life itself and then be angry because you think you’re “failing”.   There is a tile in my […]

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The Disempowerment of Blame: how wanting other people to change blocks your own healing

May 25, 2013

There is a big difference between saying: “Person X did something that really hurt me” versus “Because of what person x did, I will never be able to move forward in my life” It’s the difference between saying: “I’m hurt and need to heal” versus, “I might as well give up”. Blame is a popular strategy. It has […]

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (adrenal fatigue): where has the energy gone?

April 26, 2013

Many HSP’s struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndome / Adrenal Fatigue. Is there a rhyme and reason to this strange illness, and if so, what could it be? In this video I address a model of how the clashing of authenticity and conditioning can create a situation of “having the brakes on”.    

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12 Habits to Avoid Misery and Feel Better

October 17, 2019

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the world, you’re not alone. Sadly, (too) many HSP forums and articles focus on how terrible the state of the world is, as a kind of “reason why” there is no way out of feeling bad. Even worse, a lot of people seem to suggest (reading between the lines) that […]

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3 Big Causes of HSP Overwhelm: Stress, Bullies, Energy

September 17, 2019

  In my work, there are 3 big causes of HSP overwhelm that I see – and they have nothing to do with whether the world is HSP-friendly or not. Overwhelm Source No 1: Stress   I know stress sounds generic. “Oh, you’re just stressed” is the “whatever” of the 21st century. But, most of […]

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