Sensipreneur Interview [no. 5]: Make changes one gentle step at a time

October 4, 2014

If you are anxious about taking action on something, break it down into the very smallest step you can. ~Gina Musa In the Sensipreneur Series I interview HSP’s who have made sensitivity a big part of their own business. This Sensipreneur interview is with Gina Musa, the “small steps coach”. Gina helps people achieve change […]

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Why There Are No Life-Changing Empath Books Out There

September 29, 2014

Every now and again, I get the question: “are there any empath books you’d recommend?” And the short answer is no. Here’s why (the long answer): A few years ago, when I was on a very serious search for empath solutions, I read more than my share of empath books. Yet none of them proved […]

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How to Put Gratitude on Auto-Pilot

September 22, 2014

The feel-good community is full of writings on gratitude: How gratitude changes people’s lives. How keeping a gratitude journal makes all the difference. How counting your blessings helps you sleep. Now, for those of us who ignore the good stuff present, and obsess about what is missing, that is certainly an excellent strategy. Yet, for […]

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Sensipreneur Series [no.4]: Helping others Heal

September 18, 2014

“You are okay exactly the way you are, and it’s okay to set boundaries to protect yourself from over-stimulation.” ~Sonia Connolly In the Sensipreneur Series I interview HSP’s who have made sensitivity a big part of their own business. This (e-mail) interview is with Sonia Connolly from Sundown Healing Arts. Sonia  offers intuitive, compassionate bodywork […]

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How is HSP Coaching Different from Therapy?

August 4, 2014

I got this question recently: Good question! I used to think that coaching was exclusively for business executives who wanted to be more productive (or who had a boss who wanted them to be more productive). I certainly had no idea about “what else” coaching might be or do. In fact, the only coach I […]

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On HSP Hiding & Why Being Seen is Important to Feel Connected

July 30, 2014

As HSPs we know that speaking up about being HSP (and all it entails) can be a slippery slope. Beyond the obvious cultural stigma against being sensitive (with sensitivity being associated with weakness and bursting into tears every other minute or being an easily offended narcissist) there is a deeper fear that often bullies us […]

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7 Phases of Becoming a Skilled Empath

July 22, 2014

Discussing anything in terms of phases is always a bit of a hit-and-miss. Phases can overlap, and there is no right or wrong order to things. Nevertheless, I’ve found that there often is a certain order to how clients go from being an overwhelmed empath to becoming a skilled empath. The phases outlined below are […]

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HSP Tip for Calming a Freaked-out Body

May 29, 2014

Having a sensitive nervous system has its perks, and its troubles! Especially when your body animal learned once upon a time to be extra vigilant. Check out the video for a way to calm your senses when your body is going into fight-or-flight mode unnecessarily (and you feel a little crazy for freaking out like […]

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Highly Sensitive Digestion Issues and the Way Home: let your gut guide you

May 10, 2014

I am a highly sensitive person (HSP) with a long history of digestive issues. This is a condensed bio of my “food history” and some of the things I’ve come to know about how my sensitivity relates to my digestion.  It’s also a story of how my body and its many issues turned out to […]

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HSP Dilemma: what to do when you can’t stop a conflict no matter what

April 22, 2014

I think it’s fair to say that we HSPs generally don’t like conflict. Stop the war! Stop the bickering! Stop the mounting tension! Ah, if only we could stop it. Yet conflict is part of life. If we get too obsessed with resolving it, then we become a stomped-on doormat. In our desire to create […]

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Sensipreneur Series [no.3]: Slow and Steady Wins the Multipotentialite Race

April 22, 2014

“It’s my dream to be able to carry on building my businesses in a way that means I can continue to offer help and support to people around me who need it” ~Andy Mort In the Sensipreneur Series I interview HSP’s who have made sensitivity a big part of their own business.   This (e-mail) […]

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Empath Fatigue – is your compassion wearing you thin?

April 5, 2014

So, you know you’re an empath. You’re someone who feels other people’s feelings. You’re having these crazy emotional fluctuations all day when you’re around other people… only to heave a sigh of relief when you’re alone and things magically settle down. Being an empath isn’t easy. For one, it takes a lot of time to […]

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The AND Strategy

February 26, 2014

If you struggle with over-giving, or often get duped because you tend to only notice the good in people, then you’ll want to start practicing the AND strategy. The AND strategy asks us to be open to allowing opposites, or conflicting observations to be present at once. It defies the totalitarian logic of rational thinking […]

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The Role of Narcissistic Projection in Self-Doubt and Relationship Drama

February 12, 2014

Someone with narcissistic personality disorder, or a significant amount of narcissistic traits, doesn’t see you for who you are. In fact, they don’t see you at all. For practical purposes, you’re more like a projection screen. Yet, since this is -for many of us- such a foreign concept to wrap our heads around, we tend […]

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11 Reasons Why Procrastination May Not be the HSP Problem You Think it is

February 5, 2014

In our market-economy, time is money and getting more things done is often considered of the utmost importance. In this context, procrastination tends to be treated as the evil enemy, how do we beat it? Yet, what if procrastination is not necessarily the problem we assume it is? Let me divert a little to explain […]

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Workouts for Low-Energy / CFS

January 31, 2014

Speaking from experience here: the idea of working out changes completely when you are dealing with chronic illness or other forms of low-energy (or breathing problems). Suddenly standard cardio is very quickly too much. Yet the less you work out, the harder doing a work out will get. If this is a very temporary issue, […]

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How Not Feeling Good Enough Depletes Your Adrenals

January 8, 2014

There’s enough evidence that what we think affects both how we feel and also what we choose to do. Yet, underneath what we know we think, there’s a whole underwater iceberg of things that we are also thinking. And not just thinking, emotions are equally important. While you may feel you have a pretty healthy […]

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