6 HSP Perfectionism Myths that Stop You from Living Your Purpose – and what to do about them

by Caroline van Kimmenade

It’s easy for us to go into fine-tuning mode, because we can sense so many subtleties. At times, when things are subtly unbalanced, out of order, or not quite as good as we know they could be, we can stop ourselves, get frustrated, feel like a failure for not measuring up.

Herein lies our strength and problem: we have the ability to fine tune things (pretty much) endlessly, but this is often not realistic or possible. So how do we balance our desire for beauty and quality with the kind of practical common sense that will stop us from painfully spinning our wheels?

In the call recording I address 6 common HSP perfectionism myths that I often hear from clients. I address why they are not true, and what to do about them.

6 perfectionism myths recording thehappysensitivedotcom

This call was recorded live on June 20th 2015. The participants were able to submit questions and comments over chat, and so each myth has additional comments and questions, and I address those too. The audio is an hour and 13 minutes.


Please note, as of 2020, this Recording is no longer available on my blog – but you can access it inside the Happy Sensitive Library, along with a host of other resources on dealing with perfectionism in a practical & Happy Sensitive way.


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