What does the “H” in your HSP Personality stand for? Take the Quiz!
Take the quirky quiz and find out which “kind” of HSP you are.
Guaranteed non-MyersBriggs Compliant!
*This quiz was created by one of my “H”SP twitter sub-personalities. As the happy sensitive, I take no responsibility whatsoever!
Hyroglyphic Sensitive: Our mind wants one answer. Yet life happens in contradictory ways, simultaneously.
— CarolinevanKimmenade (@IDSensitivity) February 16, 2014
Hippy Sensitive: Being cool is overrated.
— CarolinevanKimmenade (@IDSensitivity) March 21, 2014
Hyperactive Sensitive Person: Time for random acts of randomness.
— CarolinevanKimmenade (@IDSensitivity) February 1, 2014