The Power of Thought?

by Caroline van Kimmenade

Thinking the right way can help a lot. Yet, thinking on its own doesn’t do much. I sometimes meet clients who are good at declaring very loudly what they will or won’t ever do, and what they will and won’t let happen… but those words on their own are meaningless.

To illustrate, consider the following metaphor if you will:

Sandra says she will never let herself gain more than 50 pounds. Meanwhile, she downs packets of cookies daily, doesn’t believe in healthy eating, refuses to exercise and has some health issues she is choosing to ignore.

Mary says she will never let herself gain more than 50 pounds. She has some weight ups and downs but when she gains 10 pounds she adjusts her workout schedule and gets stricter about what’s she’s eating. When she has a health issue or any other problem she doesn’t know how to fix, she finds competent help to get her to where she needs to be.

If you had to bet on one of these women, who would you bet on?

Oh wait, I forgot an important detail. Sandra makes elaborate visionboards and practices saying uplifting things to herself. Mary does not.

Now who would you bet on?

If your answer stays the same, I’m with you.

All the positive beliefs and visualizations in the world, mean absolutely nothing if they are not backed up by realistic actions.

Hopefully, this is obvious when it comes to weight. Yet, what about more nebulous topics like energy healing or getting overwhelmed or burned out?

Well, surprise surprise, it’s the same thing. The exact same thing. Just because something is “mental health” doesn’t mean you can just talk yourself out of any problems. Just because something is an energy issue doesn’t mean you can just wish it into non-existence.

Drawing a line in the sand is great, but what you’re doing to actually hold that line in practice is what really matters.

P.S. Do you have a line in the sand that needs some proven strategies to keep it in place? Set up a time to chat with me about it here.

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