Rewriting the Narcissus Narcissism Myth

by Caroline van Kimmenade

The narcissus myth is deceiving when it comes to understanding narcissism. The myth seems to suggest that Narcissus fell in love with an accurate reflection of who he is. After all, water doesn’t lie right? When you stare into a pool of water to admire yourself, you do see your own features reflected back to you. So how does that help us understand narcissism? The most helpful conclusion to draw from the narcissus myth would […]

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1 harriet March 31, 2013

WOW. That is so accurate. I have been dealing with a narcissist for 3.5 years and reading so much about it. Your story revision is right on. Intimacy always lifts the veil at some point. When this happens a narcissist blast his anger at you to protect his image.

2 G May 7, 2013

Hands down – the BEST explanation I have ever read … and I have been doing research on this subject for years.

3 T October 25, 2013

Yes. Very well put.

4 Paul November 4, 2013

An excellent explanation of what is a narcissist. My ex-wife fits this so well (and my response to her).

5 angelica December 30, 2013

This was my last relationship, he blamed me for the sun coming up to late, the car engine not starting, the fly in the sky, his work conditions…. If he was sick, even when I was doing all the giving , ie calling the doctor to get him to go to the doctor , didnt matter to him, I kept looking at what I could work on , continuously trying to look at my role inward, how I could change and learn or grow, He kept shifting the focus of his bad behavior to make it my problem. never ending spiral of emotional abuse ~! Live and learnt , Proud I saw through it all ! Feel blessed to have escaped relatively unscathed . Don’t regret being the person who was able to look at myself, useful tool and necessary to grow and learn, but only if its a two way street!

6 anna March 21, 2014

brilliant! and so true!

i’ve been blamed far too long!!

7 Alice July 17, 2014

Wow, this an amazing insight into what narcissism really is. I’ve never seen it put so succinctly.
I’ve just discovered your site. I have spent a long time healing the effects of being a sensitive girl raised by a narcissistic mother. For many many years I believed i was just too sensitive and flawed and a horrible person for not liking my mother. Being sensitive meant I really believed her version of life and squashed my own self. I eventually burned myself out by not caring for myself and carrying on the neglect and indifference of my childhood.
I’ve reached the point where I no longer want to feel bad for being me. Thank you for what you do.

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