8 Kinds of Spiritual Bullshit – don’t let these fool you!

by Caroline van Kimmenade

There are many kinds of spiritual bullshit out there. The tricky thing is: while spiritual bullshit can be huge and obnoxious, like a massive cowpat on a patch of bare dirt… the sneakier versions of it show up as little turds in the middle of beautiful, inspiring gardens of wisdom.

You’re not dealing with a big pile of poop (that would be easy to spot!). Rather, you’re dealing with lots of beautiful, helpful tidbits. The gist of the whole garden may even be incredibly healing. BUT THEN… there is a tiny yet very impactful turd right beneath those beautiful rose bushes. It’s easy to ignore it. After all, the whole garden is so beautiful, so peaceful, so inspiring! Do we really have to inspect the turd? Do we have to pay attention to the stench, and let it ruin our perfect, blissful experience? I believe we do.

Below are 7 pieces of spiritual bullshit, closely examined. I share the gist of each, as well as a video for each that goes into much more detail.

Spiritual Bullshit Principle #1: To be a good person, you must never ever allow yourself to feel or acknowledge any hatred! Detach from it right away to find peace!

Why is this so wrong? Because hatred is just one of the very many, very normal emotions that all people have. If you become judgy or afraid of acknowledging hatred, you’ll end up suppressing it. This just leads to chronic hatred. It’s much better to acknowledge and work through any hatred that comes up – it will make you a much nicer person overall!

More details in the video below + I have detailed resources inside the Happy Sensitive Library to help you with step-by-step guidance and understanding for dealing with difficult emotions – including hatred.

Spiritual Bullshit Principle #2: It’s good and healthy to feed off of other people’s energy! This is what advanced spiritual beings do!

Ehm, nope. It’s healthy and good to manage your own energy well and let that be enough. It’s not good and healthy, not “spiritually advanced” to steal from others what you cannot properly manage for yourself! Energy vampirisim / psychic vampirism / or as I prefer to call it: psychic narcissism, is in no way a healthy, advanced or elevated way to be!

Some people seem to think that just mentioning the word energy makes a message spiritual. Just throw that word in and you’ve got “high vibes”! But subtle energy is REAL and how you deal with it matters.

Spiritual Bullshit Principle #3 – Feeling Good is Good! Feeling Bad is Bad!

O.k., so I oversimplified this one a bit. Overall, I agree with aiming to feel good. Yet, we do need to be careful about what meaning we assign to “feeling bad”. Life has natural ups and downs. Shitty days happen. Yet when we assign extra meaning to those days: “oh no, I am in resistance to my true self! Oh no, I am not in alignment with spirit. Oh no, I am low vibe!” we just make things more complicated.

More importantly, being judgy or afraid of inevitable “bad days” can lead to dissociating and disconnecting from our true feelings, which is a recipe for disaster.

Spiritual Bullshit Principle #4 – Make your energy field (aura) as big as possible! The bigger the better!

Trouble is near when anyone wants to supersize things, without highlighting the maximum healthy size! I’ve met plenty of spiritual teachers over the years who teach expanding the energy field, without teaching anything about the healthy – limited and balanced – size to strive for!

Just like healthy weight, there is a balance. Some people need to lose weight, some actually need to gain some. It’s the same for your energy field.

No idea what an aura / energy field is? No worries, I explain the basics in the video below.

Spiritual Bullshit Principle #5: You are a Master, yes you are!

It’s nice to be acknowledged, isn’t it? Personally, I am a master at… ehm… well, actually I am still learning. And that is precisely the issue. We’re all learning. Even if you’re really good at something, you’re still learning.

So, what is the point of addressing random readers / listeners on the internet as masters? Me thinks it is to stroke the ego and sneak some unhealthy perfectionism and narcissism into the spiritual mix.

Spiritual Bullshit Principle #6: Use this special technique to make healing super quick and easy!

Ah, if only! Yet, there are so many people out there who promise exciting and super quick results. They may even convince you that if you’re slowly plodding along, that you’re doing something wrong!

While it’s possible to resolve very specific, limited issues quickly, healing overall just takes time and grit. You can’t just magically whoosh away all your problems. If it seems you can, you’re probably just dissociating. Worse, someone may be preying on you, like a scam artist telling you that Johnny Depp wants to marry you, if only you can just send him $1000 to help him with some car trouble…

In the energy world, there are people and beings who want access to you, the same way that a scammer wants access to your computer and bank account. So, they send you a “wonderful” free download, that in reality contains a virus. I tested one of those free spiritual downloads, and tell you about what happened in the video below (at approx 3 mins in).

Spiritual Bullshit Principle #7: Just drop your resistance and join the 5th dimension!

Ah, the 5th dimension! Or are we supposed to be at the 8th, 9th, or 10th right now? I lose track sometimes. Anyway, “resistance” sounds bad, right? Tense and unpleasant. Not peaceful at all. Pretty good idea to drop it. Except when it’s the resistance to a dictatorship of course. During WWII there were many underground resistance movements which were a very important part of freeing Europe! So hmm, maybe we need resistance at times…

And wait, what about bullies and toxic relationships? Should we just drop our resistance? Is that our ticket to joining the next “higher” dimension? (Like a video game where all we try to do is reach the next “level”?)

Ultimately, having resistance is a part of having healthy boundaries. Dropping all resistance in the name of spirituality can easily feed into unhealthy people pleasing “just to get along”. This is how Gurus rule their cults: be sweet and drop your (pesky) resistance!

Spiritual Bullshit Principle #8: Heavy Emotions will lower your vibe and make you drown in the river of life!

There is a lot of talk of heavy versus light in spiritual messages. To some extent these are useful indicators, Yes, it makes sense to choose the path that feels lighter. Yes, it makes sense to practice gratitude. However (and I discuss this in detail in the video) too many spiritual messages associate heaviness exclusively with negativity, death, drowning and losing the battle.

In actuality, being alive, being in a body means having some weight! You are not a feather that is meant to blow away in the wind. Too much lightness will make you unrealistically airy faery. “Heavy” emotions can be the exact weight you need to stay balanced and grounded!

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