November 2013

The Repressed Past is the Future Waiting to Happen

November 23, 2013

Our body lives in the present, always. It seeks to experience what is there, whether that is “outside” of us or “inside”. Everything and anything that we once experienced and locked away because it was too scary or too much to deal with, will get added to the list of “things to experience”. And, it […]

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The Opposite of HSP Happiness is Guilt

November 19, 2013

When you think about the opposite of happiness, do you think of depression? Sadness? Anger perhaps? Or have you realised – through experience – that the opposite of happiness is guilt, because guilt is the biggest thing blocking you from doing what makes you happy? I’m not the definitive expert on what emotional state is […]

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HSP and the Feeling of Not Belonging

November 6, 2013

Ok, so here’s a little scenario. You’re born, and you’re this little bundle full of just being you. There’s no complicated conditioning, no rules, no restraints, just you being you. Then what, you grow up, and you get taught how you’re supposed to be. Now, depending on where, when and how your growing up happened, […]

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