HSP Questions? Let’s chat!
Get practical actionable tips & your personal happy sensitive action plan.
The quick scoop:
You schedule your 30 minute call.
You pay w/ Creditcard or PayPal (50 euros = approx 50 USD ) to confirm.
We connect on Zoom (you can also phone in)
You get clarity on your sensitivity conundrums that other people don’t understand
Just click here or click the “schedule” button to get started.
by paying you agree to my terms and conditions
My online scheduling service will take you through all the steps and make sure we’re all set.
Why a Clarity Call?
It can be hard to find someone who really gets Highly Sensitive, empath, clairsentient and other sensitive intuition gifts, overwhelm and challenges. It can also be hard to figure out whether you feel supported by and safe talking to someone, without actually talking to that person first!
A Clarity Call is a way for you to both test the waters in that way and it is also a service in and of itself: intended to get you answers and a way to move forward with whatever you are dealing with right now.
I know many coaches out there offer free initial calls. However – and I’ve been on those myself as a client! – those are really just embellished sales calls. My Clarity Calls are not like this. Clarity Calls are here to help you, regardless of whether you are interested in further coaching or not.
I believe this is the best way to get an experience of what it’s like to work with me and how I can help you. It’s also the best way to solve a smaller issue. I’ve had plenty of clients over the years who just needed one Clarity Call – to get clarity on their problem – and didn’t need me after that because on the call I was able to explain what was happening and what they could do, and they were able to continue on their own from there!
So if you’re not sure if you have a “small” or “big” topic going on – book a Clarity Call and that too will become clear.
How it works:
Our call is 30 minutes. We meet over Zoom (join online for free or by dialing-in to a local (to your area) phone number).
If you want to send me your thoughts and questions in advance, I’d be happy to read them before our call, so that I’m up to date on what you want to discuss (optional, not required). This is a good idea if you know it may be hard for you to say what you want to say in the moment, or if you’d like me to have some background info in advance. If you have a long, important back-story, it’s a good idea to send this upfront, so that you can dive straight into your actual question/conundrum/confusion/struggle/pain at the start of the call.
I know 30 minutes may not seem like a long time. I do have longer calls as part of my coaching programmes. A Clarity Call, however, is intended to give you a quick-start: a deeper understanding of why things are the way they are, and what you can do about it. I have a lot of experience and intuitive tools to help figure out what is going on amidst all kinds of confusing and overwhelming sensitivities.
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The results you’ll get:
I’ll help you uncover the happy sensitive logic beneath the surface of your situation. Logic means clarity. Clarity means solutions. I’ve talked to a lot of sensitive people. There’s a lot that I’ve heard before and am not surprised by. (If I got a houseplant for every time someone needlessly worried that they were vague, rambling or a little crazy, then I’d be living in a homely jungle by now!)
As a Highly Sensitive Person, empath, clairsentient or otherwise sensitive and intuitive person, it’s easy to get stuck in details, especially when it’s your own personal, emotional situation. I help you zoom out and map out the bigger picture, so you can see where you’re going, where you want to go, and how to get there. Your call comes with clarity and practical tips you can put to use right away.
If you also want to discuss coaching or training possibilities, then I’ll happily add complimentary time at the end of our call to do just that. However, that’s an optional extra, and not the goal of the call. Our call itself will be spent on getting you insights and results that you can apply right away. I’m a deep listener and talking to you live puts my intuition into the highest gear. I think you’ll get a lot out of our conversation.
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50 euros / USD $54 / GB 42 pounds / AUD $86
I am located in the Netherlands and charge in euros.
Price in other currencies depends on exchange rates.
Conversion Rates above are based on Yahoo Finance rates of the day, updated automatically.
Questions & Concerns
“What if I can’t connect for my call?”
I’ve been doing this for a while (10+ years). In the early days of online meetings, all connection apps and options were pretty glitchy one way or another. In recent years however, Zoom has become an absolute beast of connection stability (which is why I use it).
To make sure your connection is optimal:
- If you choose to dial in to my zoom conference line from a cell phone, make sure you have a good phone signal. Hopefully this is obvious, but once in a while, someone will call in while they are hiking through the woods… and their connection fades in and out. Sounds cool, to talk in the woods! But I promise, it’s more helpful to actually be able to hear each other, so please make sure you’re in a place with good signal (and stay there ;) )
- The same (as above) applies if you’re connecting via Wi-Fi. I mean, hopefully it’s pretty obvious. Yet again, I do occasionally have people calling in from a glitchy computer they don’t usually use, or a spot in their home that they know has bad reception. And they tell me all about how bad that device / spot always is, and how they can try something else… Better to get set up in the best place in advance, so we can use the time to talk about sensitivity, not computers!
- You can test the connection in advance. Zoom will put you in a “waiting room”, so you don’t have to worry about disrupting any other conversation. When we actually connect for your call, I will be able to see you enter the waiting room, and can manually “admit” you so we can talk. I recommend testing the connection in advance, especially if you’re new to Zoom or haven’t used it in a while. This will also allow you to check that your mic and webcam are working, if you’re using those.
- Pro tip: if the internet & technology feel overwhelming overall – is there someone between 10 and 30 years of age that you can ask for help? A grandchild? A neighbor’s kid? Chances are, they can help you get set up and show you how it all works in just a few minutes.
- Pro tip 2: If you’re not sure you’ll have a quiet / private / safe place to talk, is it possible to call from your parked car? Many clients have done this and it tends to work really well. (please don’t drive while on a call!)
Obviously, unexpected things can happen, yet my experience is that 99% of the time, connection issues can be avoided simply by preparing for the call in advance (and not grabbing whatever half-dead computer is available last-minute).
I will do my utter best to reach you:
Sometimes, someone will forget about their call, get the times mixed up, oversleep, or have a connection panic of some sort. If you put a phone number on your booking form, then I will try my best to reach you there to remind you of the call / help with connection issues etc.
How this plays out:
- I wait for you on zoom
- 5 minutes after the start of your session, you’re still not there
- I look up your number and call you
- If you don’t pick up, I leave a voicemail (if possible) and try again 5 minutes later.
- If you still don’t pick up, I send you an email and put your back-up plan into action (if you submitted one)
- If you didn’t submit a back-up plan then I will stay on zoom for the scheduled 30 minutes in case you show up late.
Please note, there are many good reasons I work via Zoom, and don’t call you phone to phone for your Clarity Call, so please don’t just wait for me to call you after your session has started. If I do call you, the goal is to help you get on Zoom so we can talk there.
Your Back-Up Plan
If for whatever reason, you do not show up for your call and I can’t reach you, or you cancel last-minute, then I will put your back-up plan to work. This is an alternative way to make use of your session time and you can indicate on the booking form what your preferences are.
If you already know you can’t make your session last minute, please send me an email to let me know. Otherwise, I’ll necessarily end up wasting some of your session time waiting around for you to show up, before I can get to work on your back-up plan.
Backup plan options:
1. You may e-mail me before our session about any current issues you are struggling with and I will use the scheduled time to get back to you with guidance and support.
2. I can do a long-distance healing session for you and report back to you via e-mail on the issues that were resolved.
3. I can do a flower-essence reading for you.
4. You can gift your session to someone else. In this case, please let me know and make sure the person who you are gifting the session to knows the time and the connection details.
48-hour cancelation policy
I have a 48-hour cancelation policy, so it’s not possible to reschedule last-minute. Less than 48 hours before your call, it’s not possible to reschedule, and there are no refunds possible, but it is still possible to send me a your back-up plan preferences, if you hadn’t done so yet upon booking. You will receive an email reminding you of all this.
Note that, should I have to cancel a session less than 48-hours in advance myself, then we will reschedule that session + you’ll get a half-hour bonus session to compensate for the inconvenience.
“I don’t want to be pressured into anything on a call!”
Me neither. So, no worries, I am not going to pressure you to whip out your creditcard and enroll for something on the spot. If I recommend a programme, I will give you the link so you can sign up in your own time (if you choose to sign up at all)…
Moreover, whether I recommend anything else at all is up to you – the 30 minutes of the call are about giving you as much clarity as possible. Any discussion of possible programmes happens after those 30 minutes that you paid for, and that second part is optional (if you want to discuss programmes, let me know! Otherwise I may end the call without making any further recommendations at all because I’m just focused on helping you as much as I can within the 30 minutes)
Use my online scheduler below to book your call right away
You’ll select your appointment date and time first and then check out securely through PayPal or CreditCard to confirm. Please note that by paying you are agreeing to my terms and conditions.
In the rare case that you can’t find a slot to fit your schedule and time-zone, contact me so we can set up an alternative time.
I look forward to meeting you!
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