February 2014

The AND Strategy

February 26, 2014

If you struggle with over-giving, or often get duped because you tend to only notice the good in people, then you’ll want to start practicing the AND strategy. The AND strategy asks us to be open to allowing opposites, or conflicting observations to be present at once. It defies the totalitarian logic of rational thinking […]

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The Role of Narcissistic Projection in Self-Doubt and Relationship Drama

February 12, 2014

Someone with narcissistic personality disorder, or a significant amount of narcissistic traits, doesn’t see you for who you are. In fact, they don’t see you at all. For practical purposes, you’re more like a projection screen. Yet, since this is -for many of us- such a foreign concept to wrap our heads around, we tend […]

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11 Reasons Why Procrastination May Not be the HSP Problem You Think it is

February 5, 2014

In our market-economy, time is money and getting more things done is often considered of the utmost importance. In this context, procrastination tends to be treated as the evil enemy, how do we beat it? Yet, what if procrastination is not necessarily the problem we assume it is? Let me divert a little to explain […]

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